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Android’s Nearby Share app now allows you to share applications making much like how Apple’s AirDrop.
Google promised its users this update back in December 2020, and now, it is finally here. While it could share media content like images and videos alongside links and app contents, Nearby Share could not send accross full apps. As a result, users had to use alternatives that aren’t as direct and straightforward.
With this update, users can now directly share apps from their devices without data or Wi-Fi.
To use this feature, go to the “My Apps and Games” section of Play Store. You will find a new tab labelled Share. Whether you are sending or receiving an app, click “Send” or “Receive”.
While both AirDrop and Nearby Share are great for sending and receive data across devices, you should look at AirDroid which is as great, easy and secure. Best of all, its compatible with all devices and platforms