Telegram’s New Update Adds Unlimited Livestream Viewers Among Other Features

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Private Messaging app Telegram has rolled out an update with new features on September 1st which includes unlimited livestream viewership.

With this latest update, the secure messaging tool now offers live videos in Channels. In addition, it expanded the number of livestream viewers from a previous limit of 1,000 to unlimited. Also, they added a new preview window for Forwarded messages that provides users with various customisation options. For instance, they can choose to hide sender names and remove captions (on media messages) when forwarding messages.

Other new features of Telegram include trending stickers you can use to browse and add new sticker packs and a “choosing a sticker” status when you are waiting for a response. There is also a feature to quickly browse through your unread channels without exiting the one you are currently on.

Telegram released this update to celebrate its 8th anniversary and provide users with a more robust experience.

If Telegram is not suiting you, you can try other secure messaging apps which are an excellent alternative

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