Make Your Laptop a WiFi Hotspot with Connectify [How To]

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I was whiling away my time listening to one song over and over again when a dear friend of mine asked me a question to which i didn’t know the answer. That instant i dropped everything (not literally) and made my awesome ASUS machine a WiFi Hotspot.

11 Steps to Make your Notebook a WiFi hotspot

This is how i did it.

  1. I first downloaded Connectify and of course chose the free version, but you can always pick the paid one as well.
  2. Next I installed it
  3. It asked for a reboot
  4. I did a reboot
  5. Connectify asked me to put in a Hotspot Name, so I let the program deal with it…
  6. The next line asked me for a password and i chose an all numeric code which basically means 0-9 numbers.
  7. The other things were already pre-selected so i let it all be.
  8. Then i hit the Start Hotspot button.
  9. I next scanned my tablet’s Wi-Fi and it showed me “connectify-me” connection.
  10. I tapped it and entered the password which i had previously entered into the software….
  11. I double checked the browsing on my phone and saw it was giving an amazing connection speed and quick browsing as well.
connectify setup

Now things to remember are, I use a laptop, Windows 7 but have tried it on Windows 8 and 8.1 machines as well… and my tablet is Nexus 7 2013 but I have also tested it on Galaxy S II.

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