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Internet connectivity can be a frustrating thing, especially if you have low internet speeds and poor connections. When you find yourself in this situation, as many people do, it’s normal to feel hopeless. Well, TechVise is here to tell you that you don’t have to feel hopeless anymore because there is a new service called Speedify designed to help you with your connection issues. Speedify can combine the internet connection of all of your devices, Wi-Fi connected and 4G alike, to give you a lightning fast and stable connection.
How Does Speedify Work?
Speedify works through a process called “channel bonding,” which is essentially linking all of your connections together to create a unified data pipe. Speedify can connect your WiFi, your cellular 3G/4G data, and even your DSL. What’s the benefit of all this you ask? Well, it means you can stream Netflix and HuluPlus without buffering as well as download huge files in a matter of minutes. The point of channel bonding is to create a highly stable and fast internet connection.
Speedify also comes with a number of features to further improve your internet experience. For instance, if you are channel bonding and one of your internet devices loses its connection, your internet will still run on the other available connections. Based on the importance/speed of the connection, you may not even notice that one of them faltered. Speedify also has a feature called Packet Loss & Error Protection.
Basically, lousy internet connections can lose or misplace key data packets, which makes your lousy internet even worse. Packet Loss & Error Protection offers state of the art technology to help avoid these issues.
Users can also set up connection priorities. Say, for instance, you want to channel bond with your WiFi and 4G data, but your data is capped. You can set the WiFi to be a higher priority and Speedify will use more of your WiFi data than your cellular data. It’s just another feature that really adds to the convenience of this service.
How Much Does Speedify Cost?
One year of unlimited use with Speedify will cost you $63, or $19 a month. That’s actually a pretty good price. It would probably cost you about the same to upgrade your internet with your provider (based on your provider, of course).
For those who don’t want or need unlimited use, there is a cheaper package that gives users 50GB of data per month for $30 per year, or $9 a month. If you are a low data user, this is basically a steal. Oh and this is after the 75% discount.
Answers to Quick Questions
Is Speedify good for Streaming and Gaming?
No Speedify shouldn’t be used for streaming and gaming purposes. Use a VPN such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN for high speed secure internet.
Is Speedify safe?
Speedify is safe to use as it does not log any of your information or any of your activities. It keeps a log via browser cookies, login (to determine active connections) and location information
Does speedify use data?
Yes it does if you are connected to it all the time as it is connected to the speed server. To avoid this, you can set your monthly usage limit with your carrier.
How do I use Wi-Fi and data at the same time?
You can use both data and Wi-Fi simultaneously. This is done via channel bonding. You’ll need a mobile data plan, a Wi-Fi network and the Speedify bonding VPN app to get this to work. Follow the steps below to get this working:
Step 1: First verify that you have an active mobile data connection and that it is turned on.
Step 2: Then connect your phone to any Wi-Fi network.
Step 3: Combine them together by downloading the Speedify App. The App will detect the two connections and combine them by a connection bubble that would appear near the top of the dashboard.
Step 4: Select the server you want to connect to and get back to what you were doing.
The Verdict
There isn’t anything worse than a poor internet connection, and Speedify’s service would compliment any unlimited LTE plan perfectly. If you are someone in a similar situation, then you should definitely check out Speedify VPN. Not only does the service greatly improve your internet connection, but it also offers a ton of features to make sure you always get the best service. Couple that with its affordable costs, and it’s a wonder any of us pay for high-speed internet at all.
I was wondering if I would be better off using iNetFusion for downloading music using IDM?
Haven’t used Clusterlinks software as yet so unable to comment on what is better for you. Though it does seem like a very new service out there with hardly any reviews and no details on OS versions etc. So I wouldn’t recommend getting into 2 or 3 year plans with them.
I ain’t no geek but I found some reviews. The cost of this service suits me.
em not into buying a brand name as I had horrible experience with connectivity dispatch at my office with network printers going inaccessible and stuff.
I am giving cluster links software a spin and its good so far! Just want second opinion before I paid for it!!! cheers
Yes the software is cheaper than speedify but those two links are not reviews. We haven’t tried the iNetFusion+ software ourselves so we cannot comment on your choice of software.
correct me if I’m wrong, but… they are not the same!
speedify use channel bonding technology wich is faster specially for single ftp file and it also work like a vpn via their server.
while inetfusion is just an application that balance connections between different isp. so if you download for example a single ftp file it will be downloaded throgh just one isp and will not increase your bandwidth at all
Yes you are right, I went through the features list for inetfusion+ in detail and it is merely a load balancer. Obviously this is still better than same old internet connections and will work for things such as torrents and IDM (where multiple server connections are used simultaneously) but it does not combine internet connections giving you a sudden increase in speed by combining internet download streams.
Speedify is in its own league.