Best Apps for Remote Education & Distant Learning Today

College life is tough & same is the case with remote education. With COVID-19 pandemic refusing to settle, students all over the world are in a pickle. Here we will discuss the best apps for remote education in Pandemic for everyone.

To make this time slightly easier you need a helping hand and luckily in our smart era where everything is digital, we can all use our smartphones to help us out. And, so we have assembled a list of the best apps for students that can help them on/off campus.

Remote Education

I have taken the liberty of categorising some great remote education apps into a few headlines, so it’s easy for you to sift through the list. Do note that you will still be doing all the heavy lifting when it comes to studying and learning, butt there are still some things that your smart device will be able to assist you with.

This is a developing piece, so feel free to pitch in with your ideas of remote education and suggestions in our comments below and don’t forget to tell us how the tool is making your studies easier.

Note-Taking Apps

Evernote – (Free & Paid)

Evernote is considered to be the best app for remote education, why? Well, you can gather everything that matters to you in one go. It syncs everything across all devices, you can type, draw, write and insert pictures or scans onto the note without any fuss. You can collaborate and share the notes, even go an extra mile and create slides and keep everything behind a password as well. All these gimmicks make Evernote the best digital note-taking app for everyone.

INKredible – (Free)

For those of you who still enjoy pen and paper note-taking but don’t want to actually buy pen and paper, INKredible is the app for you. As the free version of Notes Plus ($9.99), it lacks many of its unique features like PDF conversion. But if you are just looking for a stellar writing app, this one is probably the best around.

AudioNote – (Free & Paid)

If you’re like me, you are probably a super lazy note taker. For those looking to put as little effort as possible, this AudioNote remote education app for you. It’s simple; turn the app on, listen to the lecture, and the app will convert it to text. One and done. Worth it, download AudioNote. The paid app Note Studio is even better as it organises the notes in a nice concise way that helps one remember all the points!

Time Management Apps

We all need to manage time at some point in our lives. Student life however, demands it a lot because not only are students prone to distraction, but almost all students prefer to sleep or just come up with some other delay tactic. And now that we have Coronavirus still spreading like wildfire, these apps should help:

RescueTime – (Paid with trial)

RescueTime is something I really needed, so definitely pay attention to this one. The app is great because it will block websites that will distract you. It also gives you alerts when you’ve spent a certain amount of time on each subject, and you can even see how long you’ve spent on certain actions to see how you have spent your day.

iHomework (Free)

iHomework is a great app that keeps a track of your assignments, grades and class schedule on calendar. You can also dive into Questia’s huge library from within the app for all your homework and research projects. The app can also fit in reminders, course information and contact information of the teachers. The only downside to this great app is that it’s available on Apple devices only.

EasyBib – (Free)

EasyBib doesn’t manage time, but it will definitely save you from some headache. Bibliographies are always the worst part of writing a paper, yeah? Luckily, this app is designed to make it easier for you. All you need to do is type in your source information, the format style and the citation will be generated instantly. The best part is this app is free.

Study Apps

iTunes U

If you’re a student who uses Apple devices or simply uses iTunes a lot then you will be happy to know that you have access to iTunes U. iTunes U provides access to different remote educational courses from all leading universities for free! If you want to study the course material at MIT, Oxford, Yale, or Cambridge then, this is your chance to do it from your own PC.

Coursera – (Web-based & Free)

If you are looking to add a little more to your base of knowledge on a certain topic, Coursera is going to be a great choice for you. We reviewed Coursera nearly a year ago if you want to know more. It’s not great for getting “quality remote education,” but it does well enough to make you more versed in given topics.

Wolfram Alpha ($2.99)

From European history to Lego, the Wolfram Alpha reference app can find almost anything via its super computing Cloud to quickly generate answers — across thousands of domains — to all your research questions. Available on all the three famous platforms for a price, this app has rapidly become the world’s awesome source for coughing out instantaneous expert knowledge in seconds.


CliffNotes is perfect for students who study literature, history and other art subjects. CliffNotes provides summaries, plot and central theme on almost every book. There is an audio version which students can use while they go for a stroll.

Scribd – (60 Day Trial & Paid)

Scribd is great for finding resources for your research papers. With Scribd, users have unlimited access to over one million books. Perfect for research and pleasure reading. It’s like Netflix for bookworms. You get a 60-day free trial via our sign-up link and after this you pay only $8.99/mo if you wish to continue. The subscription gives you access to 3 e-books and 1 audiobook each month, and you can accumulate credits up to 3 months i.e. 9 e-books and 3 audiobooks.

Backup Apps

File Converter – (Free on iOS, $2.89 on Android)

At the end of the day, you need to convert your notes and lectures to either PDF or a Word file, right? Look no further; this file converter app can convert your notes to a simple-to-read PDF format and can also convert notes into an editable Word document as well. In fact, it can convert anything into just about anything else. Super great, especially for college students.


Okay you knew mentioning Dropbox was an inevitable choice right? There is no safer place like Dropbox to back up everything and anything. This free backup cloud service stores your data in its 2 GB of allotted space (unless you buy a different plan). The app securely saves files across all devices and syncs them almost instantaneously, making it one of the best apps for college students.

And that’s a wrap! Did I miss a useful remote education app that has come in handy in your student life? Let us know in the comments, and we’ll check it out.

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Co Founder of QZ Global & Editor at TechVise, Zahra has over 18 years of content development & editorial experience. She is a novelist & writes for businesses & digital platforms.

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