Terms of Use

Written By
Sara Khan
Published On
September 26, 2024

Terms governing the use, reuse and distribution of content available

tech-vise.com | techvise.pk

Terms of use techvise

All content on this website is either made available from the official press releases, sourced from other websites or created especially for the use of tech-vise.com. The copyright of original content which is sourced or referred from other sites including pictures, video, audio, info-graphic and content resides with the original content creator. Terms of use for all such content carry the terms from the source.

Visdom, Vise Review and all other written material on the site are an original creation of this site and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. This license requires, that content needs to be attributed to this website via a link back and a visible source link (in another colour so it is visible to readers) with the site’s name.

In case you copy the content in its entirety (as-is) and have more than 3 articles on your site like ours then we will consider this as plagiarism. To avoid this, we suggest that you mention the page/article as [rel=”canonical”] so search engines know where the original content resides. You can read more about it here.

While we make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the reviews, guides and features posted here are error free and unbiased, we cannot vouch for content & services recommended in the comments section.
