Managed WordPress Hosting: Pressable Review

If you’re looking into investing in a managed hosting provider, consider Pressable.

Pressable hosting is a managed hosting service for WordPress developed on the same data network that underpins and WordPress VIP. With Pressable, you can ensure your WordPress website runs smoothly and is safe from security threats. It is not a general-purpose web hosting service; it is specially designed to provide support for entrepreneurial ventures.

Considered to be the best WordPress Hosting provider, Pressable helps to automate website maintenance issues like security, WordPress updates, scalability, and unplanned downtime, among other things. As a result, you can turn your attention to, more important issues.

By the way, Pressable is owned by Automattic, which is the same company behind WordPress. When a group of friends founded it in 2010, they named it Zippykid. Years later, they changed the name to Pressable before Automattic finally acquired it.

Pressable WordPress Features

As a WordPress host, Pressable fairs quite well. It has numerous features geared towards enhancing performance, boosting security, supporting users, and easing development. We list these features below in a bit more details…

Performance Enhancing Features

Guaranteed Uptime

Pressable provides a 100% uptime guarantee for its users, and in writing, too. In the event they can’t fulfil this, they will provide a 5% monthly fee refund for every half hour of downtime you experience.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Pressable has a CDN, which enhances website speed, regardless of website traffic. And the best thing about this is that it will improve your chances of ranking higher in SERPs.

Alternate Servers

Another performance enhancing feature that Pressable provides is automatic failover. With this feature, Pressable will automatically switch your website’s server to an alternative one if the one it is currently on experiences any issue.

Other performance enhancing features Pressable offers are:

  • NVMe Server Infrastructure and
  • WordPress-and-WooCommerce-focused Hosting

Security Boosting Features

Web Application Firewall

When you host your website on Pressable, it will automatically be protected by a Web Application Firewall (WAF), which ensures it is unsusceptible to common cyber attacks.

Website Malware Scanning + Threat Surveillance

Pressable has a team of security experts that can keep an eye on your website and ensure no malware can take root.

SSL Certificates – for Free

Pressable provides a free secure socket layer (SSL) certificate to keep visitors to your website at ease, security-wise. It is complimentary and at no extra cost to you.

Other security boosting features Pressable offers are:

  • Automatic WordPress Updates
  • Website Hack Recovery Support

Development Features

Intuitive Dashboard

Pressable provides an intuitive dashboard that allows you to easily change settings, create new websites, and allow other websites access to your website, etc.

Professional Email Service

Pressable also offers a Titan-powered Professional Email service.

Customisable and Scalable Hosting

With this hosting service, you can customise and scale your hosting plan to what’s best for your business at any time.

Other development features Pressable offers are:

  • Special WooCommerce Plans
  • Staging Environments
  • Schedule Daily Backups
  • Complimentary Jetpack Security Daily

User Support Features

All-Around the Clock Online Support

With Pressable, you can access help and get answers to your questions about WordPress whenever you need it.

Free Migrations

If you ever want to migrate your website, inform Pressable’s support team and they will do it for you at no cost.

Performance Surveillance

Another top feature that Pressable offers is performance surveillance. Hence, if your website’s performance dips, they will inform you and help you restore it to its best.

Other user support features Pressable offers are:

  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • Free WordPress Training

What are Pressable’s Plans?

Pressable offers numerous plans each of which is designed to meet a particular needs case. The plans include:

  • An Entry Plan that costs $19/month, caters to 5,000 monthly traffic, and provides 5GB of storage for one WordPress website.
  • Personal Plan that costs $25/month, caters to 30,000 monthly traffic, and provides 20GB of storage – also for one WordPress-powered website.
  • Customized plans with tailored offerings and price.


Pressable is a feature-rich, value-adding WordPress hosting service with many advantages. However, it is not without disadvantages. For example, there is no variety of cloud platforms and it doesn’t sell domains. Regardless, the advantages do outweigh the disadvantages. If you think so too, then you can hardly do better than this service for your peace of mind and ease.

Have you used Pressable? If yes, what’s your opinion about it and how did they fare with you? Hit the comments and let us know your experiences and oh, of course, correct us if we’ve made boo-boos in spellings or facts!


A versatile writer with more than 7 years of writing experience, Tobi is also a voracious reader with a constant thirst for knowledge. He dreams of seeing the world and becoming a renowned fantasy writer someday. He is loves good music, good books, good food, good air and the good life in general.

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